Know your numbers

Knowing your numbers is an essential part of monitoring your advanced prostate cancer. Prostate cells, including cancerous ones, produce something called prostate-specific antigen (PSA). Key numbers to know include your PSA level and the level of pain you are experiencing. Important information about your cancer can also be revealed by scans.

PSA test vial

Know Your
PSA Number

A PSA test is one tool for helping to identify if your prostate cancer is progressing despite receiving treatment to lower testosterone.

Your doctor will check your PSA level routinely to see if it has increased, and how quickly it may be rising. A rising PSA does not always mean your prostate cancer is getting worse. However, if your cancer is non-metastatic and your PSA doubles within a year, you may be at a higher risk of your cancer spreading.

What Could Affect Your PSA Level?

Several factors other than prostate cancer may affect your PSA level, including conditions like benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), an enlarged but noncancerous prostate; prostatitis, inflammation that may come from a bacterial infection; some medicines; exercise such as running or bicycling; and ejaculation. Your doctor may recommend you refrain from exercise and sex for 3 days before a PSA test. This will allow the PSA test to be more exact.